Munich, but not for long…

After arriving in Munich, it rained. A lot. My original plan was to stay in Munich for a few days while my meeting schedule was finalized later in the week. We had strong interest from a few clients who wanted to meet in Western Europe. It was easier for me to be based in Munich where there is a large airport and where I could easily take a train to Stuttgart or Frankfurt. In Munich, I could be a couple hours from anywhere I needed to be. That was the plan.

It turned out that, like all good plans, they don’t last long. It turns out there is a popular sport in Europe called “football“ where they kick a ball around a field, don’t score very often, and where people get incredibly drunk and start fights in the stands. For most Americans, the game lacks the action of…wait, we play baseball in America – a game that seems to last for hours with players waiting for an opportunity to run a few dozen yards at a time. Yeah, soccer is great! In any event, the Euro Cup had games in Munich, near my hotel. This meant it would soon be football crazy.

Also, my meetings failed to materialize. All of them. All six of them. Instead, the clients wanted to meet the following week in Stuttgart. This makes things easier from a planning standpoint, as I can see most of the people I want to meet at one central location. It also means I had no real reason to stay in Munich where football was quickly taking over. Instead, I headed the call of the mountains and headed to the Alps.

I will still be able to get work done, but I can do so with fresh air and beautiful scenery. And I’m only a quick train ride away from any meetings in Munich. My itinerary is open to whatever comes up, as long as it isn’t crazy footballers.

Flooding in Southern Germany meant many of the rivers were running high and muddy.

A lightning storm over Munich.


Salzburg, Where the Hills are Alive


One Week. Three Continents.