Welcome to the Not-So-Great Travel Blog. There are many travel blogs that show incredible places, luxury flights on premium carriers and fabulous expeditions. This isn’t that. Are there cool destinations? Sometimes. Am I usually going to the best-known places in those destinations? Not usually. This is, instead, my experiences traveling for business. This is about late nights, odd flights, missed flights, lots of meetings, and the mechanics of how we get from a world of burning crushed up dinosaurs to electric for our energy needs. It is also my own musings, usually unedited or only lightly edited, about things I find interesting.
This is not intended to be a grand journey that you will go on with me. The places honestly aren’t that interesting unless you count a lot of trade shows. Instead, it is a bit about what it is like to be on the road as often as I am, eating chocolate in Europe (so much chocolate to eat…so little time) and in general attempting to have a normal life.
So, on that note, welcome to my not-so-great travel blog. I hope you enjoy these rambling musings.